Sonya Slivinski

Sonya Slivinski

Contractor, 2000-2017
Entergy, 2017-Present

Sonya Slivinski grew up in Upstate New York in the town of Palermo. She was hired in the year 2000 by a contracting firm that assisted with decontamination and radiation protection during planned refueling outages. Her first project was at Indian Point and it lasted for over a year. Her unique career as a contractor took her to nuclear power plants throughout the United States from Florida to Michigan and as far west as Nebraska. Through her unique perspective, Sonya was able to see a variety of different corporate cultures and reactor types (Boiling Water Reactors and Pressurized Water Reactors). Yet her heart was always with Indian Point. In 2010 she became a long-term contractor in dry cask storage and in 2017 was hired by Entergy as a permeant employee. This interview gives a fascinating look at the nuclear power industry and Indian Point through the lens of a contractor. We learn about her life on the road between power plant outages and the complexities involved in dry cask storage.